What are the weirdest things flight attendants have seen in their line of duty? asks quora.com. Katerina Simms writes: "I had a friend who worked as a flight attendant and she got into a mild argument with a guy who insisted on having everything that was free on the flight. He was highly annoying and constantly asked crew for stuff. If he saw someone next to him get something, he wanted it too. At one point during the flight a lady asked for a sanitary pad to help her with an "emergency" situation. He insisted he should have one, too - cos you know, it's free, right? My friend tried to reason with him. I'm not sure if his English was 100 per cent, because he insisted ... Upon receiving his sanitary pad he proceeded to peel the paper backing off and expose the sticky side; he stuck the thing over his eyes and soon afterwards fell asleep."
Cheers to Dan's weather
"We have invented a new drinking game that takes only minutes," writes a reader. "But you have to fill the glasses quickly. When Daniel Corbett on TV One does the weather it is: One shot when he says 'big fat high'. One shot when he raises his eyebrows. One shot when he uses a metaphor or simile to describe the weather. One shot when he moves his arms and head like a Thunderbird puppet. We were going to have one shot when he pointed at the viewer but the bottle was emptying too quickly."
Food fanaticism in the bread aisle