Best way to punish your teen
"When my son was in his early teens he had his first cellphone. One day, when he was being particularly obnoxious, I took it away and locked it up, resulting in a tantrum which then got him grounded. I then secretly began sending SMS messages to it and calling it. He heard it and got almost hysterical at the thought of all the messages he was missing. I was firm, though, and didn't give it back until the following day. His rage at discovering who was calling him made it even better." (Source:
Club has unusual method of deciding who to charge
A reader writes: 'I went with a friend for a night out to the Carpark club in the city last Saturday. We got our IDs checked and I went in first where a pretty girl greeted me on the door. As soon I walked in my friend followed me but surprisingly he was asked to pay a $10 entry fee. He paid and told me ... but no one asked me for an entry fee. There were other people who just walked in without paying anything. What gives?"
Is it a dog or a child?