Streaker gives up the naked life
After 519 streaks, Mark Roberts, 48, is hanging up his birthday suit. And as Roberts tells the Daily Mail, his career in exhibitionism began in Hong Kong at the Sevens in 1993, during a New Zealand game. "I pushed to the front and took my shoes and socks off. I ran backwards to wave to the crowd and, as I turned round, there was the ball. I picked it up and ran the whole length of the field and scored a try. Against [New Zealand]. There and then, I was hooked." In 1995, he leaped naked in front of the weather map on daytime TV and in 2004, he managed to streak across the pitch at the Super Bowl in Texas - a match watched by 130 million people in 87 countries. He's also stripped off at Wembley, Wimbledon and Ascot. "There's no major venue or event I haven't done," he says proudly. "But I'm nearly 49 now and my children have begged me to stop ... I've shown my todger enough now ... it's the buttocks that make people laugh."
Wheelchairs barred from disability hearings
In England sometimes disabled people must go to court to prove their disabilities or face losing benefits. However, someone decided to put the disability tribunal on the fourth floor of a building in Basildon, near London. As a consequence, health and safety officials barred people in wheelchairs from attending because exit would be difficult in the event of a fire. Sylvia Middleton, 65, was turned away. "They said they couldn't guarantee my safety and they didn't let wheelchairs upstairs."
Thousands out of pocket over one digit