Beach towel drama
A reader writes: "On Saturday evening, my intelligent but hopeless 19-year-old son got home from an evening swim at Pt Chevalier beach only to discover that the towel he had taken to the beach was still clean and dry in the car. After his swim, he had picked up what he thought was his towel, dried himself and took it home. To give him a tiny bit of credit, the towel he accidentally 'stole' did look a little bit similar to the one he had left in the car, but he is feeling very bad. We would like to apologise to the poor swimmer, who would have been extremely annoyed to find their towel missing."
Not all cricket fans want to get drunk
A cricket fan writes: "I think whoever is responsible for managing the alcohol needs to take a long hard look at how they treat patrons," writes Wayne. "I went out at halfway to get four beers as it was my shout for four guys, only to be told I could only have two. I am 68 years old and - similar to the 99 per cent of patrons who go to watch cricket - have a beer and enjoy the experience. When I got into a debate with the young woman about the restrictions, she called security because I was daring to challenge them! I left there and walked 50m further along and got the other two beers at the next liquor site. If people really want to get drunk at the cricket they can do the same as me, but it's less than 1 per cent of the crowd. For goodness' sake don't treat the public like kids otherwise you are going to lose the crowd altogether."