"Funny thing happened at the cricket on Wednesday," writes Dave. "Halfway through the match the limit of beers you could buy at one time went from four down to two - normal procedure to stop people getting too rowdy as the game goes on. But this time as well as reducing the limit they also switched out the cups to a significantly smaller size [pictured]. You could say this is also a safety measure but not when they keep charging the same price of $8.50. Nice of them to try to keep people safe, but not so sure they should be ramping up their margins because they think people will be too drunk to notice!"
Re-naming Waitangi Day
"Does anyone else watch delayed TV1 news with subtitles?" asks Ross. "Sometimes they're a show all on their own. Last night when the debate was raging about whether our PM was going or not up to the marae, the text was chirpily announcing this was for White Fang Day."