"I've applied for Australian citizenship," writes an ex-pat Kiwi. "This is what you get in your new citizen gift bag - a stubbie holder with what appears to be a stripper holding an Aussie flag. I'm wondering how the refugees living up here from Afghanistan will feel about their stubbie holder when they get one next year."

Potato dumpling launcher no mere pie-in-the-sky idea
News nostalgia. In 1967, Munich resident Helmut G. Winter was sick and tired of the noise of military aircraft flying over his house. So he built a catapult and started launching Bavarian potato dumplings at the planes. In one week he launched 120 yet never managed to score a direct hit. Eventually both the West German Luftwaffe and American pilots conceded defeat and agreed to a flight path that avoided his house. Reportedly, he gave the Americans a model of his dumpling cannon as a gesture of thanks. (Source: Weird Universe)