Christmas pretension. This contemporary nativity set for $169 taps into "our learned experience from exposure to thousands of images, toys and Christmas cards over the years" apparently.
Juice price sends mum for the door
"I went to Subway to feed the troops and queried the cost of the purchase with the 'sandwich artist'," writes Penny. "How much was the juice, I queried. $4.50, he replied ... this was a Fresh Up junior fruit juice box - the teeny tiny, toddler-sized 125ml one that usually come in an 8 pack at the supermarket. I baulked at the price and he offered it to me for $3.50. No thanks, I said and left with just the sandwiches."
Cancer diagnosis ruffles acquaintance
This woman writes to Dear Abby to share her startling lack of empathy and self-awareness: "One of my boyfriend's close friends is going through his third bout with cancer and the prognosis is not good. He is married with a healthy 3-year-old son. So imagine our surprise when his wife announced she's pregnant. We don't feel it is wise to bring another child into the world who will never know his or her father. Some of her close friends want to throw her a 'sprinkle', and although I am only an acquaintance, I have been invited. Should I attend and keep my thoughts to myself, decline and/or send a small gift in my absence?"