Whangarei District Council property managers have ordered a repaint of six bollards outside a well known gallery in the Town Basin as they were "enhanced" without permission. The resulting storm of protest on Facebook included this exchange: One local said: "Good grief! Who voted those people in? The colours are awesome, I just want to know why some are crooked." Another local replied: "We think they are crooked because they've been successful in their jobs as bollards." Another quipped: "I think some are crooked due to being painted a boring, blend-in-with-everything, what the hell did I just hit green." True to local government bureaucratic form, the bollards will be repainted the standard green by the time this goes to print. (Source: Whangarei Loves Hundertwasser Facebook page)
Ketchup ... it's not all sweetness and lite
"Well versed in the evils of sugar, a friend was telling me she had ditched the tomato sauce and her kids weren't happy," writes Rachel from Torbay. "I suggested lite varieties but she swore the sauce-makers just upped the sugar and reduced the fat and called it lite. The next day I was emptying a lite refill can into an empty regular t-sauce squeezable bottle and feel compelled to bore your readers with what I discovered. According to the packaging both sauces have the same level of fat (stuff all at 0.2gms per 100ml serving) but the lite t-sauce had half the sugar that the regular had (16gms/100mls as opposed to 30gms/100mls). So if you have to drench your kids' dinner in the condiment, at least you've got a choice."
How many retailers flow like this?