Stand up straight
People concerned about their posture can buy a gadget to nag them about it. A new product called LumoBack straps around your lower waist to track your posture and vibrates whenever you slouch. It also tracks steps while walking and running, standing time, sitting time, sleep positions and sleep time. The first nagging buzz comes after you've been exhibiting bad posture for four seconds, then it buzzes again at 11 seconds. If you don't correct your posture after that, LumoBack assumes you don't want to be corrected again and stops buzzing. When you change positions, it restarts this count." (Source: Wall Street Journal)
Riding with her nickname
Tine writes: "I have the numberplate TSPOON. Many think I am a chef or baker, or perhaps tea guru. But no ... as a child our family loved the kids' TV show Button Moon, where the characters are made of plates, bowls, cups and spoons, the youngest named Tina Teaspoon. It became a family nickname."
Norris on a mission
The owners of 2-year-old tabby Norris have written to their neighbours in an attempt to reunite an array of bizarre items, stolen by the animal, with their rightful owners. In the past year, Norris has brought food and dishcloths, dusters and dust mitts to his Bristol home. He has also pinched sports bras, support pants, jumpers, T-shirts, boxer shorts and even a bath mat. In addition, he has been caught with half a pizza, an unopened tube of gravy paste and a German sausage. Owners Richard and Sophie Windsor believe that Norris is taking some items from washing lines in the local area.
(Telegraph Group Ltd)
Web: Thirty years ago there was no internet. Twenty years ago there were only 130 websites total, Google wasn't around and you had to pay for an email account through an ISP. Ten years ago Skype, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, Tumblr, Dropbox, and Instagram didn't exist. Take a look at what happens in one second on the internet today.
Classic radio: The Rock gets 'pwned' when their Valentine's Day Win A Divorce competition backfires ...
Niched meme: Sh*t People Say At Record Stores...
Video: Russian PE teacher's ridiculous baby yoga (warning: not for the faint-hearted) ...
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