A relaxing spot between Wainui and Waitoki north of Auckland.
Apocalypse sperm bank
There's an apocalypse sperm bank in Colorado that is ready to go just in case we suddenly lose all of our beef and bacon. It houses over 700,000 samples from 18 different species. "Let's say another foot-and-mouth disease comes along, killing off our cows," says Dr Harvey Blackburn, repository co-ordinator. "We have the ability to repopulate entire breeds." (Via Quiddity)
Moment of self-reflection
It may be disconcerting for men to see their reflection in shop windows as little old men and women glimpse their mothers in the mirror, but what about this poor female reader: "Coming back from a visit to Wellington on an exceedingly hot day, I was drowsy at the wheel, so stopped in a carpark at Pokeno for a little snooze. Reclining my seat and leaving Miss 4 in the back seat armed with a spray bottle of water, a comb, and some hair clips. She was very busy while I was asleep. Fresh from my power nap, I sat up and put my driving glasses on, ready to drive again. I glanced at myself in the rear view mirror. Looking back at me, hair neatly slicked back and well clipped down, was the spitting image of my father!"