Roadside Rescue rescued (spotted by Merle Bagnall).
False modesty in lieu of loo
"I know Americans refer to the loo as the 'bathroom' and that's their business," writes Anna. "But it just sounds silly here when people say (as they are more and more) that their workplace has a bathroom - unless it does have a room with baths in it. Why this sudden modesty about referring to the one room everyone uses every day?"
Drumming up a baby boom
A PR firm tries to capitalise on Fifty Shades of Grey by inventing a trend: "Everyone is talking about how Fifty Shades of Grey will be responsible for the next baby boom. Our fertility specialists are seeing more patients now that the Fifty Shades baby boom is creating more pressure to conceive. How does this increased pressure affect couples that struggle from infertility - do they feel even more left-out when everyone talks about the new baby boom? Would you like to speak to any of our experts on this cultural topic?" (Source: Buzzfeed)