Simon Bradwell spotted this sign in Thorndon New World, Wellington. "Staff led me to believe they refer to pet food, rather than the pets themselves," he says. "Apparently the signs are going up in New World stores around the country. Barking mad, surely?"
Tabloid stunners
Best tabloid headline puns (mostly from the Sun):
1. When North Korea decided to conduct a nuclear test in 2006, International condemnation was swift but the Sun's headline was a nod to a cheesy Sound Of Music lyric: "How Do You Solve A Problem Like Korea?"
2. The Sun's headline on a story about a woman who bit off a man's testicle during a fight: 'I'm having a ball!'
3. Alongside a picture of a kestrel and an owl fighting over food: 'Hawk Kestrel manoeuvres in the park.'