Siren song of police in pursuit
Following the barking mad police story, Doug of Dannemora writes: "Many years ago... [apparently after the removal of sirens from some police cars]... there was a story of a police car trying to rush to an urgent callout. The officer in the front seat had the PA on and was making siren-like noises into the microphone. Apparently it worked."
Getting high on hydrangeas
Bavarian pensioners left perplexed by the theft of hydrangea plants have been told by police that young people are raiding gardens to smoke the flowering plant for its rumoured marijuana-like high. A Nuremberg pensioner said that a number of his hydrangeas had been deflowered. He asked his neighbours and indeed they, too, had found theirs bare. Though side-effects are unclear, the plant releases hydrogen cyanide - a poisonous substance linked to brain and nerve damage, a German pharmaceutical industry magazine said. (Source: The Local)
Taxis light jungle airstrip for emergency take-off