Pharmacy helpfully adds smiley face to customer's prescription for antidepressants.
Art of getting potholes fixed
A crusader gets potholes fixed in Manchester by using street art. Riffing off street artist Banksy, Wanksy highlights craters in the road by drawing a comedy phallus around them. He added: "I wanted to attract attention to the pothole and make it memorable. It's also speedy, I don't want to be in the road for a long time ... just want to make people smile and draw attention to the problem." And unlike other street artists: "I want my work to be destroyed, I like it when it gets dug up and replaced with fresh tarmac."

One law for some
A reader draws conclusions based on small sample size. "Over the past two weeks I have seen three women in high-end cars either texting or using the phone while driving. One younger woman even delayed traffic at afternoon rush hour. All of them when I got their attention, by sounding the horn, either gave me the bird or told me to 'eff off'. One even poked her tongue out. Is there a new law, the rest of us have no knowledge about, allowing these privileged few who drive Lexus, BMW or top of the line Holden, to drive and text in heavy traffic?"
Bathtub drama
When Fiona Markham-Moeller responded to her 9-year-old son Jackson's cries at their home in Riverstone, northwest Sydney, Australia, she discovered he had three fingers stuck in the cast iron bathtub plug-hole. What followed was a five-hour rescue operation, involving 14 firefighters, an ambulance crew and a power saw used to cut a section out of the bottom of the bath. "I was just scared that I could be stuck in there for too long and my fingers could fall off," Jackson later said.