Sensitive beauty
"Some people are just way too sensitive," writes Helena. "A young man ripped the sign off the notice board of the beauty salon in the Smith & Caughey building in the Auckland CBD. He stormed into the salon with the notice in his hand and announced to the stunned beauty therapist that the sign offended him. She assumed it was the implied nudity that was deemed offensive, but no. It was actually that the young man was hairy and he didn't consider that he was dreary ... we are not so sure!"
Side order of outrage
While in a Napier cafe Maggie placed her order, picked up her docket and sat down in the fairly large room. "It did cross my mind that the waitress would have to find us and we had not been given a number or any other form of ID for table or order ... or so I thought. Then I noticed that on my docket was written "BLACK LEATHER, OLD" . Ouch. We're not young, but old? Stuff the lot of you, I thought, and promptly removed the black leather jacket and hid it under the table-top. And fluffed up the blonded hair. That must have worked because they took an age to find us. If they read this, I hope by the time we go back there they will have created some kind of discreet numbering system."
Body parts not working