Carlos Angell of Titirangi took this photo on Sunday and even though he's 18 years old, he now believes in the Easter bunny again.
Statue of Jesus brings mixed response
A bronze statue which depicts Jesus as a vagrant sleeping on a park bench in Davidson, North Carolina is confusing residents. One woman called police the first time she drove by, thinking it was an actual homeless person. Another local said it "creeps him out". While some felt it was an insulting depiction of the Son of God, and what appears to be a hobo curled up on a bench demeans the neighbourhood, the rector of the church, David Buck, is in favour of it. "This is a relatively affluent church, to be honest, and we need to be reminded that our faith expresses itself in active concern for the marginalised of society." He says it is also a good Bible lesson for those used to seeing Jesus depicted as enthroned in finery. The most high-profile installation of the bronze Jesus on a park bench will be on the avenue leading to St Peter's Basilica - if the City of Rome approves it. (Source: NPR)
Inane bystander comments on the royals
"I'm six months younger than the Queen."