This car was seen along Central Park Drive, Henderson, last Friday.
Whitebait causes confusion for wait staff
Expat Anne writes: "Last week at a well-known Wellington restaurant on the waterfront, I spied rolled whitebait crepe on the menu and I asked how it was cooked. Our very helpful French waiter replied that the chicken was cooked then rolled in the crepe. I pointed to the whitebait crepe on the menu and he insisted that whitebait means chicken. He went to the maitre d' who sent him back to me to say that he was quite wrong. Whitebait had now become baby eels. I thought it my duty to explain to the maitre d' (also French) that whitebait are neither chicken nor baby eels. My explanation failed to convince her. My next step was a chat with the chef who thought that the situation was hilarious and offered to make me a whitebait fritter. The fritter was delicious and the waiter and maitre d' were gracious and pleased to know about whitebait."
Dear Diary, doctor doing well
"The circa 1800s diary entry in Monday's column brought to mind excerpts from my great-grandfather's 1910 diary, which I treasure dearly," writes Tony Russell. "His wife, whom he invariably referred to as Mrs B, was not keeping good health in the latter part of that year. In early August he wrote, 'Dr Temple came to see Mrs B on bicycle.' Mid-August he wrote, 'Dr Temple came in horse and trap.' End of the month he wrote, 'Dr Temple came with motor car.' The practice must surely have been flourishing in a short space of time!"
I'll take the high road at Easter
Anticipating Easter Weekend traffic mayhem, Allen writes: "Last year I was going south at Easter and the traffic was queued back to Meremere from Huntly, apparently for hours. Suddenly I thought about years ago when I got diverted through Island Block Rd. So I turned back and yep, it was all good. I turned right from there into Falls Rd and followed signs to Tahuna, was there in no time. So for any readers going south, there are alternatives."