Shocking video shows a vicious assault on two young schoolboys. Video / Supplied
A shocking video has emerged that shows students beating two boys from the same Invercargill school in a vicious assault.
The footage of the incident, which happened on Monday after school, was filmed by another student then sent to one of the victims.
It shows Aurora College boys punching and kicking in the head two students who don't fight back.
Other Aurora College students can be seen crowded around watching and giggling during the attack which happened on Tramway Rd.
Aurora College's Principal and Board of Trustees told the Herald in a statement: "The Aurora College BOT and Senior Leadership Team are aware of the two off-site assaults involving students from Aurora College that have occured this week.
"We find the violence involved reprehensible and are saddened that some of our students have been victims of such violence.
"At all times we try to ensure the safety of our students and wish to ensure everyone that appropriate actions are being taken by the school and police."
A mother of one of the victims told the Herald that her 14-year-old son and his friend were involved in the incident.
It is the fifth time her son has been targeted in an attack
"He went to school as normal on Monday ... all these boys followed my son and his friend [home] and bailed them up and wanted to fight them," she said.
The victim's mother said a student sent the video to her son after the attack.
She said she informed police and teachers about the incident and the school told her a student had been stood down.
Video of the incident shows Aurora College boys punching and kicking two students who don't fight back. Photo / supplied
The following day, the mother said her son stayed home because the incident left him "terrified" but he went to walk his friend home after school.
That is when her son was attacked and "strangled" - allegedly by the same students.
"When [her son] was walking towards our house with his mate a group of kids followed him without my son knowing," she said.
"They came on to my property and bashed the crap out of my son.
"My other son, who is 12, came running into the house screaming and crying saying that [her son] was getting a hiding on the lawn."
"I went out there and the little prick scarpered."
The mother rang the police and claimed she was told the nothing could be done "because the kids are underage".
Her son suffered sore ribs, a big bruise on his shin, bruising around his neck from being strangled, black eyes, and a bump on his head which has caused a migraine.
"He is down in the dumps big time," she said about her son's mental health.
The mother also revealed her family, including her partner and three sons, were receiving threats and gangs were getting involved.
"They were messaging my older son last night saying they are going to get to [my younger son] for narking now he's not going to school as well.
"Now we are all getting threatened and there are gangs involved."
Her two older sons are staying home as they are too scared to go back to school.
The mother believes bullying needs to stop as it's becoming a serious issue for children's mental health.
"I don't want that for my kids, something needs to be done about it. Whether it's through the police or the Government."
A police spokesperson told the Herald in a statement: "Police are aware of the video and the youths in it, and are making inquiries. We would ask anyone who has concerns for their safety or that of anyone else, to let Police know."
'You need to report harmful digital content'
Netsafe's director of education and engagement, Sean Lyons, told the Herald that it was not the first time he has seen this type of video being used to revictimise young people.
"There are technologies out there that allow people to share this type of content. There are times when people use this technology and will do it intentionally to cause harm ... and that is what happened here," he said.
"As a nation, we recognise that harm can come from this type of thing and that's why New Zealand has legislation that stops this happening.
Lyons said the Harmful Digital Communications Act existed to help those who suffer from harmful digital content.
"We have that because we recognise that people can create this type of content, they can share it widely and that can cause individuals significant emotional distress and that has poor outcomes for people.
"Especially when those people are young and the effects on these kinds of things can be particularly devastating."
Lyons said people should report this sort of video to police, regardless of whether or not they were personally targeted in it.
"We need to start reporting this content to police .... From what experience tells us, the faster you deal with these things the quicker the stuff goes and less likely harm will be the result of it."
Lyons said if a person is a target themselves, there are things they can do to help themselves.
"You need to report that stuff when it happens to you ... If young people don't feel confident to report it themselves, [parents] should encourage them to report it on their behalf.
"You don't have to suffer this in silence, I know often people who are the target of this will just sit and be slightly paralysed or petrified by what's going on in the hope that it goes away."
Under the Harmful Digital Communication Act, Netsafe can help people with their claim and direct them in the right direction on how to report it.
Netafe has people trained and available seven days a week to help through that process.
• Call toll-free on 0508 NETSAFE (0508 638 723) • Email: • Complete an online contact form • Text 'Netsafe' to 4282
Harmful Digital Communications Act
The Harmful Digital Communications Act aims to deter, prevent and lessen harmful digital communications.
Digital communications are any form of an electronic message, including texts, emails, photos and recordings.
Harmful digital communications include cyberbullying and harassment, eg:
• sending or publishing threatening or offensive material • spreading damaging rumours • sending or publishing sensitive personal information, eg embarrassing photos and videos.
(Source: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.)