A shark has been spotted in the shallows at Matata Beach. SOURCE / Adam Wilks -Facebook
A shark was spotted in ankle deep water at a popular Bay of Plenty beach today.
The sighting of the shark at Matata beach follows several sightings at Auckland beaches today and yesterday.
Auckland Council warned to swimmers and recreational boaties at Eastern Beach to exercise caution after another couple spotted a shark at Maraetai beach about 8am.
Adam Wilks, of Taupo, is camping at Matata beach with family and friends for Waitangi weekend when he heard people talking of seeing a shark about 3pm today.
Wilks videoed the shark just metres from the water's edge.
"It was definitely ankle deep," he told the Herald today.
It was unclear what the shark was doing so close to shore, but Wilks said he understood fishermen in the area had brought in a kahawai and baby hammerhead on their line shortly before the sighting.
"Potentially it was chasing them because one of our friend's sons threw the baby hammerhead back into the water kind of where the shark was.
"We just saw everyone looking so just ran down to have a watch and grab a video."
Wilks said shark sightings were common at the beach this summer. Children had spotted a shark about 30 minutes earlier but were unsure if it was the same one.
"Someone noticed a shark and came running down to warn the [children] and they jumped out of the water.
The shark was spotted in ankle deep water not long after fishermen were believed to be in the area bringing in kawhai and a baby hammerhead shark. Image / Adam Wilks
"I believe there's a big bronze whaler who also comes through every year."
Wilks said they stayed at the campground over the New Year break and saw a shark twice.
"And when we turned up [this weekend] people were like 'oh yeah we saw one the other day' and I think there may have also been another spotting yesterday."
Wilks said no one seemed overly concerned.
"Everyone's aware that we're not alone out there but I guess they just don't let it hinder them. A few of our mates went out for a swim since [the shark] was spotted."
His children, aged 14, 12 and 10, they hadn't been back in the water yet but he knew they'd be back in there tomorrow.
"It's hard to stop them running into the water at this time of year."