Fiji First and SODELPA are being challenged by the People’s Alliance, led by Fiji’s first coup leader, Sitiveni Rabuka. Rabuka does not support same-sex marriage either because of his faith and beliefs.
Fiji is free from the British but enslaved to Christianity. The deeply held extremist Christian views of political leaders dictate every aspect of governance, including the private lives of queer people. Where does that leave queer Fijians?
The National Federation Party may be the only hope for queer Fijians. NFP leader Biman Prasad has given the most empathetic response than any other political party leader to the debate on allowing same-sex marriage. Prasad encouraged the government on multiple occasions to engage with the queer community and listen to our needs.
NFP MP Lenora Qereqeretabua has been a longstanding advocate for queer Fijians. Qereqeretabua has encouraged parliamentarians to educate themselves on queer issues so they can do their “bit to make Fiji a better and safer place for everyone from the Rainbow community”.
The majority parties in Fiji are committed to maintaining Victorian-era laws. Why do Fijians have more loyalty to a white God than to their own people? Fiji needs to free itself from the shackles of colonialism. Vakasalewalewa, indigenous queer Fijians predate colonialism and deserve to live the full breadth of life free from discrimination.
First, the Christians argued that the sky would fall in if we allowed same-sex marriage. Many countries allowed same-sex marriage and the sky remained intact. Then they argued that children would be confused if they saw same-sex couples. In my experience, queer parents raise happier children because those children grow up free from the constraints of heteronormativity that tell them they must strictly align to heterosexuality even when that is not true to who they are.
And when they ran out of arguments, they called us groomers and paedophiles. Of course, they never found evidence to back their claims, but they spread those rumours far enough for them to stick. Christian extremists have consistently shown us they know no logic and see no reason.
If Bainimarama does not want gay marriages, I would suggest he does not have one. No one will force him to marry another man if he does not want to, but his hatred for queer people is no reason to treat queer Fijians as second-class citizens. Queer Fijians deserve the right to have a family.
Fijians are lauded for our bula smile, and now we have a choice to make. We can choose to elect homophobic and transphobic leaders, or we can choose to be empathetic and kind and elect leaders who will progress the rights of queer people.
Shaneel Shavneel Lal (they/them) was instrumental in the bill to ban conversion therapy in New Zealand. They are a law and psychology student, model and influencer.