Current and former workers say they experienced sexual harassment or bullying at Sky Sport. Photo / Herald file
Current and former workers say they experienced sexual harassment or bullying at Sky Sport. Photo / Herald file
A former Sky TV worker claims she was sexually harassed multiple times by colleagues throughout her time with the broadcaster.
Her claim is indirectly supported by four other current and former workers, who told the Herald they believe Sky TV's sports department is a toxic workplace.
The young woman alleged she was told by a colleague that he wanted to "f***" her, and he could help with her career.
She claimed this wasn't an isolated incident and that there was ongoing harassment from other men in office during her time there.
Sky chief executive Sophie Moloney said it was deeply concerning and disappointing to hear the allegations of inappropriate behaviour, including bullying, sexual harassment and sexist behaviour.
After Herald inquiries, Moloney said Sky's chief people officer was reviewing further options for independent mechanisms for workers to raise matters.
"I am very sorry that members of our Sky team (past and present) have experienced the behaviour you have described, and I encourage them to speak with me or our chief people officer directly or through our confidential processes."
Sky televison Chief Executive Officer Sophie Moloney said she was deeply concerned to hear the claims. Photo / supplied
The Sky worker making the sexual harassment claim, who was in her 20s at the time, alleged she was touched inappropriately by a senior colleague.
She claimed the incident occurred at a bar after a sports event, where she said the heavily intoxicated colleague started touching her thigh and whispering in her ear that he wanted to "f***" her.
As well as this, she said the man told her they could "role play" hosting together and he wanted to "spread her legs".
During her time at Sky, she said a male co-worker told her that "all" of her male colleagues would sleep with her if they could.
She also claimed that before she had even stepped into the office, she was told that some men were "sharing around" links to her Instagram.
This was confirmed by another worker who was there at the time.
"It just made me feel like kind of uncomfortable because a lot of these men could have been old enough to be my dad."
General chat in the office was also inappropriate, according to the former worker, who said she would be present while her male colleagues discussed which celebrity they would most want to sleep with.
"It was also the thought of like how am I talked about when I'm not there and especially [after] hearing that ... guys were showing my Instagram around to each other in the office before I even started."
The woman also claimed she was bullied by older female workers.
She said she didn't go to HR about these issues because at the time it was all she'd ever known, so she thought it was "normal".
"Especially with just being a woman you put up with stuff like that your whole life."
Another person who used to work at Sky claimed they were subjected to bullying by a senior manager and that when they raised the issue with HR it was not adequately addressed.
It got to the point where the person claimed they were so anxious they were shaking and didn't know where to turn for support.
"There was nothing, there was nothing from anyone, except perhaps that I should meet with the person I was having an issue with."
Senior staff who knew about the issue did "head in sand stuff" said the worker, who believed they ignored the problem.
Multiple sources spoken to by the Herald said they believed Sky Sport workers were too scared to speak up and voice their concerns.
A third person said almost everyone would turn the other way if they saw something wrong for fear of repercussions.
Moloney said they had recently increased the ways that staff could speak up if they experienced issues and introduced a confidential speak-up service called Amplify.
"We have also begun a process in our sport production department to identify initiatives that can make our culture even better."
Another worker said they had witnessed and been subject to bullying and intimidation, which they said had led to an atmosphere of fear, intimidation and mental health issues.
While they believed the new executive team was putting more routes in place for reporting issues, it had come "much too late".
In response to questions about an alleged "boys' club" Moloney said they would use this and other opportunities to reinforce to their people that this was not acceptable.
"We want our workplace to be one where Sky crew can do their best work, and be recognised and rewarded for it; your gender (or race, sexuality or religion) should play no part."
A fifth person who has worked there told the Herald there was an "undercurrent" of bullying at Sky Sport that had not been addressed until recently.
That person said prior to Moloney taking control late last year, there were no mechanisms in place for staff to anonymously approach anyone for advice or assistance.
They said they were also aware of the "boys' club" at the broadcaster.
All past and present staff members spoken to by the Herald did not want to be named.
Moloney said while they were not aware of any allegations against any Sky Sport individuals, they encouraged those impacted to raise it with the company.
She said allegations about bullying would be treated with the utmost care and seriousness.
"Our organisation has recently prioritised our focus on our people, including creating a new role of chief people officer (an executive-level role) and increased investment in the people/HR function.
"Improving our workplace is an ongoing journey, and – like many Kiwi businesses – we are stepping up our efforts to ensure all Sky crew are valued, feel they belong, and can do their best work – regardless of their gender, race, sexuality or religion. We are making good progress but there's no 'end point' when it comes to culture – we will keep on evolving and seeking to be better."