Youth rock quest toasts 27th year
The Smokefreerockquest and Smokefree Pacifica Beats finals will be an away game for any Wairarapa college acts that make it through the heats this year.
A field of 27 bands, duos and soloists - including seven acts from Wairarapa - joined battle at the 2016 Smokefreerockquest Manawatu Regional Heats at the Globe Theatre in Palmerston North last night.
The Wairarapa acts include adjacent luminescent from Kuranui College and Ekin from Wairarapa College in the solo-duo section and bands Polar Jam and Blue Sushi from Rathkeale College, Halafaxa from Rathkeale and Wairarapa colleges, Retenu from Solway College, and Bipolar Heartbeat from Wairarapa College.
The Manawatu field numbers among 2500 young musicians who have been competing since May in 20 centres from Dunedin to Whangarei, event spokeswoman Jacquetta Bell said.