A second kiosk is planned for Hamilton's Garden Place - but nobody wants to move in.
The council is struggling to find any takers for the second proposed kiosk, expected to cost $70,000 and once seen as a pivotal part of the $3.7 million Garden Place makeover. However, Hamilton City councillor Angela O'Leary said that should not stop the council and believed if it was built tenants would come.
Expressions of interest for the two kiosks were first called for in June last year and one was awarded to Cambridge-based Monavale Blueberries. No other tenders were deemed suitable. A year on, after another call for expressions of interest, staff are no closer to filling the second space.
The first kiosk opened in September last year.
Councillors expressed disappointment at the first octagon-shaped kiosk design, saying it was nothing like what they envisaged and a new 12-sided design will be presented to the council today.