“Council contractors will put up temporary fencing around the sculpture today, to allow the council’s public art team – over the coming days - to assess the damage in full, with specialist contractors, and scope repair activity.”
Homage to Will, by Fred Loopstra in Victoria Park, has gone up in flames.
The work, constructed from railway sleepers, is 2.4 metres high and 7.9m long.
“I tried to form the massiveness of many of the early transport and logging structures of the country,” Loopstra said in 1971.
“It came off rather well, judging by the response of the city’s residents.”
Post-fire pictures show charred belongings and a pile of burnt branches.
A destroyed umbrella sits off to the side along with the remnants of a fold-out table.
The sculpture borders a popular playground and is close to several bus stops.
The sculpture was damaged by fire. Photo / Alex Burton
The work, constructed from railway sleepers, is 2.4m high and 7.9m long. Poto / Alex Burton
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