It bemuses me that we are named after one of our flightless endangered birds when we do so little to look after them.
How can we be proud to be Kiwis when our record for looking after threatened species is abysmal? As I have mentioned before I am certainly not proud of the fact that since our nation officially declared that we would protect our biodiversity in 1992, our list of threatened species has quadrupled.
Habitats continue to be destroyed for development and our species are continually lost to the appetites of introduced pests and household animals like cats and dogs. Over 60 kiwi deaths in Northland were blamed on dogs last year, which was highlighted in this shocking photo.
I imagine most of those that oppose Gareth Morgan's campaign against cats also call themselves proud Kiwis. Over 7,000 cat lovers have joined a Facebook page whose organisers say "We're going Blast you back to the stone Age Witch hunters" to anyone who thinks that imported pets should be spayed or wear a bell to alert native birds that there is a predator lurking.
One thing is for sure - our native species were better off during the Stone Age, before people, cats, dogs and other pests arrived than they are today.