Mallard ducks are the prime target, although local hunters are also able to nab five Pukeko a day.
Wairarapa hunters could also shoot two black swan per day, which were good eating, he said.
"They're quite a rich meat and a lot of people make them into sausages to change the flavour a bit."
Most hunters already had relationships established with farmers who let them shoot on their property. But for others "it's a matter of door knocking or knowing someone in the area".
"It's not a closed shop, but if you're allowing someone on to your property, you want to know what [kind of] people they are."
New hunters were advised to meet other hunters who could take them to the prime spots on private land instead of them having to "cold call".
Eastern Region senior Fish & Game officer Matthew McDougall rangers would be out across the country this weekend, checking hunters were carrying their licences and complying with a ban on using lead shot shotgun ammunition over open water.
Fish & Game were reminding game bird hunters to ensure they had hunting licences and appropriate ammunition for their guns and hunting situation.
"It is also timely to remind hunters not to mix guns and alcohol."
What's in the sights?
Species and daily quota for Wairarapa:
Grey/Mallard ducks - 10
NZ shoveler duck - 2
Paradise shelduck - 10
Black swan - 2
Pukeko - 5
Bobwhite (Virginian) quail - no limit
Brown quail - 0 (closed season)
California quail - 5
Cock pheasant - 2
Pheasant - no limit
Red-legged partridge - no limit.