On February 24th 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched an invasion into the neighbouring nation of Ukraine, starting a war that is still raging one year later.
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The Government has announced another suite of sanctions against Russia, targeting individuals with strategic relevance to Russia and proximity to Vladimir Putin.
“Over the last year, this conflict has cost thousands of innocent lives, uprooted families, transformed once peaceful cities into battlegrounds, and destroyed livelihoods,” Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta said.
The latest round of sanctions targets 87 individuals, including members of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, who Mahuta said “sought to legitimise the attack on Ukraine’s sovereignty through sham referenda in the illegally annexed regions of Ukraine”.
It also targets military personnel who have had an active role in the conflict.
Mahuta said it was the second largest round of sanctions yet, and as with other sanctions, these would automatically extend to relatives and associates.
Mahuta said one year on since the conflict began, the message to Russia remained the same.
“We continue to call on Russia to act consistently [with] its international obligations, cease Russia’s military aggression, withdraw troops and then return to meaningful diplomatic negotiations.” - RNZ