The wind at my back was so strong on the day I visited the Rotary shared path that I felt I had the legs and lungs of a professional cyclist - until I had to turn around and pedal back into the storm, which reminded me of my limitations and threw in a heavy shower for good measure.
Luckily I had trimmed my speed severely during the outward journey on one of the tighter corners when a mountainbiker rounded into view and had to grab sharply at his brakes before cruising past.
The path starts at the Lagoon Drive bridge, although I parked and saddled up in Kerswill Place. After reading a bit of history of the Panmure bridge, I roll up and down the path before reaching the river's-edge side of St Kentigern College.
It can be hard to focus on the path in front when there are distracting views across the boats to Point England.