Anugrah has three directors, Niravkumar Indubhai Patel, Rakeshbhai Patel, and Kavan Prabodhchandra Sonara – who each hold a 33% share in the business.
Companies Office records show Rakeshbhai – of the three – appears to have the most experience in the industry, with interests in a foodmart in Blenheim, and dairies and grocery outlets in Auckland, Balclutha and Whangārei.
A spokesman for the landlords of the building, The Sung Family Trust, said they were pleased to welcome Anugrah Limited into Flaxmere Village.
The spokesman said the new tenants would be “a great asset to the community”.
In July, The Sung Family Trust and Anugrah signed a lease agreement for the building, with a plan to open an independent supermarket.
The trust spokesman said he understood Anugrah was “busily setting up their new supermarket this month” and said it was best to let them reveal their plans.
“We are happy to have someone who believes in the people and community of Flaxmere and is prepared to make such a large investment in it.
“We wish them every success and hope the community will show their support.”
Hastings Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst said it was important for the Flaxmere community to access grocery supplies in the suburb without having to travel into Hastings city.
“We thank these operators for bringing this option to the Flaxmere Town Centre.”
At the beginning of August Hastings District Council said it had entered into an agreement to sell a vacant Flaxmere site that Foodstuffs once promised to build a new supermarket on, stating it looked forward to sharing more information in the “coming weeks”.
On Thursday, Hazlehurst said the Hastings District Council was still working with the development community to bring a new supermarket to the commercial land in the town centre.
Michaela Gower joined Hawke’s Bay Today in 2023 and is based out of the Hastings newsroom. She covers Dannevirke and Hawke’s Bay news and loves sharing stories about farming and rural communities.