Wairarapa consumers have less confidence in mental health and addictions services since contract providers changed, according to a Mental Health Commissioner report.
Mental Health Commissioner Lynne Lane met with consumers at Supporting Families, Pathways and Te Hauora Runanga o Wairarapa in mid-August and reported this week on the visit's outcome.
Although a systematic review of services was not carried out, the Mental Health Commissioner said in the report that some issues were raised consistently and an improvement plan was being put in place.
These included concerns about people at high-risk of suicide not being able to get appropriate care when they are unwell, that alcohol and drug services did not reflect a recovery focus and that consumers were not being listened to or involved in decisions about their care.
The report said that confidence in services was being undermined by the loss of local consumer and family adviser roles, and people were increasingly turning to other, non-DHB funded organisations for support.