The alleged killer on the first day of her trial in the High Court at Christchurch. Photo / Peter Meecham
The alleged killer on the first day of her trial in the High Court at Christchurch. Photo / Peter Meecham
Murder accused Rena Joyce would chase and attack her partner Martin Berry with "anything that was available" on a "regular basis" and almost bit his nose off in one assault, his brother says.
David Berry said his older brother would "walk the streets all night" to avoid going home and getting hurt and "didn't know how" to leave his abusive partner.
"It was really bad," said David Berry.
"I feared for his life - it was an incident away in my eyes."
That incident came in December 2020 when Joyce allegedly murdered Berry, 55 at his Main North Road home.
She stabbed him repeatedly and cut his throat then buried his body in a compost heap in his own backyard.
His remains were found two weeks later after Joyce walked into a Christchurch police station and told staff she had "manslaughtered" Berry and buried him in the garden.
The 56-year-old is facing a charge of murder and is on trial in the High Court at Christchurch.
Joyce was a neighbour of the host and was also there.
The pair started a relationship and eventually, she moved to Christchurch.
Rena Joyce, aka Moloney, allegedly killed her partner and dumped his body in a compost heap at his Christchurch property. Photo / Peter Meecham
"Initially I think it was all lovey-dovey and then I think reasonably quickly it deteriorated into violence - drunken violence," David Berry said.
"He would tell me that she'd attacked him and this became a regular occurrence … I went down there and stayed … and she attacked me one night, for no reason.
"Pretty much whenever she got drunk it would degrade into violence … she nearly bit his nose off once, she smashed a chair over him, she beat him, she smashed the telephone and hid phones so he couldn't' ring.
"Sometimes he said he'd lust leave and walk the streets all night … he couldn't go home for fear of further violence."
David Berry last saw his brother on December 29 2020 - just hours before the fatal attack.
He was in Christchurch with his partner and took Berry and Joyce out for lunch at a local Indian restaurant.
"He looked really good ... I had no reason to think anything untoward would happen," he said.
David Berry wanted to speak to his brother about his relationship and drinking but was not comfortable doing so in front of Joyce.
He was shown images of the house taken by police after Berry's body was found and said it was very different to how he remembered on the day of the alleged murder.
He had not spent long there that day but recalled knick-knacks and other items in the house that were not there in the police images.
"Everything was gone, it was just wiped out and if it wasn't it was broken and just thrown over the fence ... pictures, photos - things that were special to us," she told the court.
"I wanted to get one of his T-shirts to put over his body bag, but it was all gone, there was nothing, Rena had gotten rid of it all.
"I just wanted to go in and pick up something that smelled like him ... but it was all gone."
The trial, before Justice Jonathan Eaton and a jury, continues
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