General Health Information:
General Health Information:
(US National Library of Medicine)
Health, Nutrition and Obesity:
Ministry of Health:
Nutrition and the Burden of Disease
How to tell if your child is overweight
Other current health issues:
Map: UN estimates of people with HIV/Aids (July 2004)
Mad Cow Disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Sars (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis or Economy Class Syndrome)
Government websites:
Accident Compensation Commission
Health and Disability Commissioner
Immunisation Advisory Centre (University of Auckland)
MedSafe (Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority)
(Breast screening and cervical screening programmes)
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
Pharmac (Pharmaceutical Management Agency)
Diseases and Conditions:
Health and disability support groups in NZ
Meningococcal Disease information (Ministry of Health)
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Auckland
Organ Transplants and Donations:
Kidney Donation Information (Christchurch Hospital)
Liver Transplant Unit (Auckland)
myHealth natural health products register
Royal NZ College of General Practitioners
District Health Boards:
Andrew Bayly stepped down after grabbing a staffer's arm in an 'animated' discussion.