Credit card transactions for Wairarapa reached a record five-year high in November, the perfect start to summer, says Destination Wairarapa.
Australian tourists are the biggest international users of cards in Wairarapa, accounting for 42 per cent of all such credit card transactions.
Destination Wairarapa general manager David Hancock said Chinese credit card transactions in Wairarapa had doubled in 12 months "and show no sign of slowing".
He said international consumers were spending more money on food and beverage, retail and fuel, while purchases in cafes and bars had almost doubled. Retail spend was up 67 per cent in the past two years.
"The increase of international visitors driving in the region is reflected in the fuel spend, which after four years of flat and declining international spend has returned to record revenue through the pumps. This is not simply a reflection of fuel prices," said Mr Hancock.