I never take for granted the array of fresh seafood we have available in New Zealand, especially when it's caught and eaten in the same day!
This summer it's been a joy to see holidaymakers gathering kina and shellfish at the beach, fishing off the rocks or out in boats of all shapes and sizes. Fighting a large kahawai, pulling in a snapper or kingfish, diving for crayfish and scallops ... there's nothing quite like it.
I love to eat fish raw with soy sauce and wasabi. Another favourite is to simply dip it in egg, fry quickly with a little butter and serve with fresh salad and hot bread. And, I can't go past home-made fish and chips - a great way to feed a crowd and so much better than the bought ones.
This summer we've been lucky enough to have scallops straight from the ocean. Large, juicy and bright in colour, they are absolutely delicious. Here, I toss them very quickly with fennel to create a delicious warm salad.