A repeat child sex offender who threatened to give "many people HIV, HEP C" if released from prison will be back in the community in September - but will be electronically monitored and banned from any public spaces where children gather.
Rory Francis was sentenced to nine years and fourmonths in prison in 2010 for rape and other sexual offending against boys and girls in 2010.
Earlier indecent offending against boys in 2005 resulted in a sentence of one year and three months.
Francis had been diagnosed as HIV positive before the offending.
The family of her most recent victims contacted the Herald after she was released, concerned her new identity meant the community were not aware of her past offending.
In October, McKay was recalled to prison after she breached her parole conditions.
She had been working as a prostitute for several weeks, taking cash and methamphetamine as payment.
Her parole conditions forbade her from any employment without express permission, and from using drugs.
From prison McKay wrote to the Herald saying she did not want to be back in the community and had asked to be kept in prison "behind a fence" for the rest of her life.
"So I wrote a letter to the chief executive of Corrections … I said that I wanted to live in the compound in Christchurch … which means I'll live there for the rest of my life - the community knows they are safe from me and I safe from them," she wrote in April last year.
"I also stated that if I were to be released from custody I would start working again as a prostitute and give as many people HIV and Hep C, which in my eyes makes me an immediate threat to the community."
McKay appeared before the Parole Board in March and again earlier this month and was denied an early release from prison on both occasions.
Laken McKay, formerly known as Rory Francis, is a convicted child sex offender.
Photo / Facebook
But she will be freed in early September when her sentence officially ends.
Her parole decision was released to the Herald yesterday.
It reveals that her current behaviour in prison is "good" but she will not be released early as she is still considered a risk to the community.
Before she leaves prison in September she will complete a drug treatment programme.
And after, she will be subject to a number of strict special conditions, including electronic monitoring.
The conditions will be in place for the first six months of her release and also include:
• A total ban on entering or loitering near any schools, early childhood education centres, parks, libraries, swimming pools, other recreational facilities, churches or other area specified by her probation officer, unless supervised by an approved adult;
• Not contacting or associating with - directly or indirectly - any people under the age of 16 unless permitted by her probation officer and supervised by an approved adult;
• Not having any contact with any of her victims;
• To notify her probation officer "at the earliest opportunity" with details of any intimate relationship which commences, resumes, or terminates;
• A ban on possessing, using or consuming drugs or alcohol;
• Obtaining permission before starting or changing any job;
• Taking any medication prescribed by a health professional; and
• Attending alcohol, drug and psychological assessments and to attend, participate in and complete any recommended treatments as directed.
The Herald first reported on McKay after she was released from prison and was living in Auckland under her new name.
She had been diagnosed as HIV positive before her sexual offending and the victims' family were concerned her new identity meant the community were not aware of her past offending.
"It's important to me that people know who he is," said an aunt of one child, who knows the offender as Rory Francis.
"It's like he's trying to hide his identity, who he is and what he has done.
"With this new identity no one knows what happened, and unless people know who he is they will not know about his crime and they have a right to know."
"I feel like he is trying to escape what happened, but we need to protect our children and the community - otherwise no one is the wiser."
Before she was recalled to prison, McKay told the Herald she was not a danger to the public.
"I know I'm not a risk to society any more," she said.