One of the most mysterious whales of the ocean has been spotted off the Northland coastline, marking the first time it has ever been seen alive in New Zealand waters.
The Far Out Ocean Research Collective today announced the exciting and rare sighting of three Ginkgo toothed beaked whales swimming offshore at the top of the North Island in January.
To date most information about the elusive whales that live in the deepest depths of the planet has been gleaned from beach strandings, with some species never seen or photographed alive.
The once-in-a-lifetime encounter happened during a survey of marine life at the Parengarenga Canyons, approximately 10km east of North Cape.
The group, on its sixth day of sea survey, had already come across a Bryde's whale before spotting another whale blow, which they changed course to investigate. This turned out to be a small group of three beaked whales, marking the first confirmed live sighting at sea of this species in New Zealand.