Meet Jaka the Sumatran tiger - he's 12 years old, is prone to pacing and with his sister Mancari are two of only 200 left of their kind.
Jaka is also one of the stars of Hamilton Zoo's Family Fun Day this Sunday. Running from 11am to 1pm, the day will have a "Once upon a Zoo Time? A Tiger's Tale" theme and will centre on Mencari and Jaka.
The Sumatrian tiger siblings were born at Wellington Zoo and relocated to Hamilton in early 2001. Zoo director Stephen Standley hoped Sunday's event would highlight the hard work that is going on to help protect tigers in the wild through 21st Century Tiger - one of the organisations the Hamilton Zoo Conservation Fund supports.
"Having our own Sumatran tigers at Hamilton Zoo means we feel strongly about this cause and hope in future that we can house more of these animals and establish our own breeding group here to help contribute to the ongoing survival of this amazing species," Mr Standley said.