As speed-crazed motorists hurtle along the Southern Motorway, they completely ignore the 80km/h speed limit signs designated for crossing the Newmarket Viaduct. Photo / Dean Purcell
As speed-crazed motorists hurtle along the Southern Motorway, they completely ignore the 80km/h speed limit signs designated for crossing the Newmarket Viaduct. Photo / Dean Purcell
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Driving back from one of our regional cities to our smaller town on Monday night a few weeks ago I counted 12 cars that had one headlight 'out'. This was not a holiday Monday either. Very disconcerting ... please remind drivers to check their headlights - it's dangerous!
A shout out to Dave in the green BMW who alerted two tourists to their flat tyre and helped them change it outside Hamilton last Saturday. We made it in time to see the glow worms, but they weren't as awesome as he was!
Rick and Lisa
As speed-crazed motorists hurtle along the Southern Motorway, they completely ignore the 80km/h speed limit signs designated for crossing the Newmarket Viaduct. These maniacs also need to realise that speed limit signs denote the maximum speed - not the minimum. Best to leave earlier to get to your destination in a timely manner, rather than break laws and risk lives. Speed kills!
Congratulations to Auckland Transport, Police and Armourguard for dealing with and keeping traffic flowing around the Sandringham Rd/New North Rd/Bond St intersection on Saturday and Sunday night of the League Nines.
I wish to rant to the person who ranted last week about misuse of disability parking. Things are not always as you may interpret. For example, I took my 94-year-old mother shopping but after visiting several shops she was too tired to get out of the car at the last one. The only "normal" parking available was in the hot sun so I used her mobility card to allow her to sit in the car in the shade while I went in to get what she needed. I do not consider this to be an abuse of the mobility parking space.
Thank you to the team of gardeners that make Devonport streets so picturesque. From the Devonport wharf (what a great splash of summer colour) up the main street, to the roundabout at the Lake Rd intersection and along Memorial Drive. To all residents and visitors - please make sure that we do not allow these gardens to be changed to perennials, and take time to enjoy the glorious show.