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I like cafes that cater for dogs (though I don't take mine). It's the people who I find disgusting. They sneeze, cough, smoke, then brush past me as I am trying to enjoy the coffee. Funny how some humans think that we are so important, when we do exactly the same things as animals and we are supposed to be of a higher intelligence. Let's brush up on our act before we criticise animals.
Liz Leach
Well done to the conductor on my train yesterday afternoon who was verbally abused and spat on by a group of girls at Te Mahia station. I know it must have been a real effort for you to hold your composure while enduring such an unacceptable ordeal. You were acting in the best interest of the rest of us with putting off these boisterous, unruly youths who didn't have tickets. And to the group of girls: shame on you, you give your community a bad name.
Joan Williamson
I help "drive" a primary school Walking School Bus through our beautiful local reserve, which is maintained by a band of selfless volunteers. The kids and I can't walk more than 20 steps without encountering heaps of dog faeces. I've renamed our little bus The Doggy Doo Dodgers. Shame on you, Auckland dog owners.
A big thank-you to TVNZ and their evening weather presenter, Dan. In a world full of weather apps, endless radio weather advice and an opposition TV breakfast show with endlessly repeated weather, it's great to learn a little from TVNZ's interesting and more in-depth presentation. More flow direction arrows and explanation of reasons for circulation, please.