Why do drivers sit in the fast lane of the motorway and do under 90km/h? Fine if you want to drive slow, but choose another lane. Trucks should also be banned from this lane. We just did a road trip through the US, where no truck drives in the fast lane, and the traffic was great.
While in the process of paying to park at a city carpark recently, I remarked to the nearby parking enforcement officer about the ridiculously expensive $42 it was going to cost me to park there for 4 hours. He responded by offering a parking ticket from his pocket for me to use instead of paying - this ticket was actually his, because it turns out that parking enforcement officers have to pay for their own parks. Made me wonder if the carpark company actually thought their officers would give themselves a ticket for not paying. Many thanks to him for his generosity of spirit, and for making me realise that parking enforcement officers can be nice people too.