Heavy rains wreaked almost half a million dollars worth of road damage in some parts of rural Carterton over a two- week period this year.
Carterton District Council on Wednesday heard New Zealand Transport Agency would pick up 59 per cent of the repair bill for the damage that hit Admiral, Clifton Grove, Glenburn, Kaiwhata and Te Wharau Roads during downpours from from July 31 to August 11.
Mayor Ron Mark said later ratepayers in the district still face an unbudgeted repair bill of about $150,000 in the wake of the heavy rains.
"This is unbudgeted expenditure and that's not good. But there's nothing we can do about it. This sort of damage typically happens on rural roads that are susceptible because of the terrain through which they pass.
"When you consider there's a one per cent rates increase for every $80,000 we're over budget, what's left to pay after factoring in the financial assistance from NZTA is a lot of money for us.