Some fighting talk from Labour in Election Year.
Stuart Nash, the Police Spokesman, says if Labour gets in power, he'll put gangs in his sights. It's a little easier said than done, but nonetheless, if you're in an area of the country where gangs are a force and you're familiar with their key source of income - organized crime and drug-dealing - then this will pique your interest.
Nash quotes a report issued last year by the Ministry of Social Development that revealed 9 out of every 10 gang members have been on the benefit, the main benefit, for 9 years. The report looked at a 20 year period, and found that on average, gang members spent a decade on the dole.
In that time alone, guess how much that amounted to? $500 million dollars. That's how much, as taxpayers, we've forked out to gang members in benefits. They're making a lot of money illegally, on the side, and we're funding them to the tune of $500 million dollars.
It's a tough statistic to digest, isn't it?