That's the cry from members of the Wairarapa branch of the NZ Founders Society who want to know what has happened to a memorial stone and plaque they placed outside the lychgate at Pioneer Cemetery, Masterton.
The memorial stone and plaque were funded and unveiled by the founders in 1974 and were a tribute to the pioneers of Masterton.
President Anne Woodley said both were removed - as well as a stone wall and seating by the lychgate - in 2011.
She said they only found out about the removal when a member was in Queen Elizabeth Park and noticed the memorial had gone.
Mrs Woodley has spoken to members of the Masterton District Council but is still no closer to finding the memorial and knowing if and when it will be reinstated.
She said she spoke to a council officer about three months ago who said it might be reinstated in the third stage of a rejuvenation project.
"It's not just a stone that someone's come and shoved there," she said. "We want it reinstated."
Vice-president Joan Dickens said the founders group wanted to rally public support to get the memorial back where it belonged.
"I haven't seen it for nearly two years," she said.
"We don't even know if the stone's still around."
Council parks and facilities manager Grant Hathaway said the stone was removed for "safe keeping" as part of the rejuvenation project. The public was consulted although "the temporary storing of the founders stone was not itemised on the plans".
He said discussions had been held with the founders group regarding modification of the lychgate and surrounding area where the stone was sited.
He said the memorial would be replaced and the new location had yet to be agreed on by consultants and the founders group.
"Planning is currently under way and there is provision in the 2013-14 budget for works to take place," said Mr Hathaway.