Cadillacs, red carpet and Hollywood kings and queens will all feature at the Tararua district premiere of The Hobbit at the Regent Upstairs Cinema in Pahiatua next month.
Pahiatua Upstairs Cinema Society president David Lea said the 7pm screening on December 12 of the Peter Jackson-directed prequel to The Lord of the Rings trilogy will be the first nationwide release session at the community-owned theatre since it opened in 1940.
The Pahiatua Repertory Society bought the theatre from the Kerridge-Odeon company in 1977, saving the then 600-seat theatre from closure.
An honorary and voluntary crew have run the theatre ever since and about $1 million has been spent renovating and restoring the former art deco glory of the building, which today seats 120 upstairs at the cinema and about the same number downstairs at a live theatre.
The societies have yet to install updated seating in the cinema, a lift, and new heating and lighting, Mr Lea said, which would cost about $200,000.