More than 100 schoolchildren battled for supremacy during the inaugural Wairarapa Ki-o-rahi Tournament played at Makoura College yesterday.
Ki-o-rahi is a pre-European Maori contact sport played with a small ball called a ki, says tournament organiser Marcus Howie, of Sport Wellington Wairarapa.
The fast-paced game features elements common to netball, Australian Rules, rugby union and touch rugby. Two teams play on a circular field divided into zones, and attempt to score points by touching boundary markers called pou and striking a central target called a tupu with the ki.
Mr Howie said the first Wairarapa tournament was held this week to recognise both Maori Language Week and the Maori New Year, or Matariki.
He said there were seven pou in the game that represent the cluster of seven stars known as the Pleiades, or Matariki, which first rise in southern skies in late May or early June, signalling the beginning of the Maori New Year.