If Lakeview School children are anything to go by the art of DIY definitely isn't dying.
For the past two Friday mornings, a group of children from the school have headed to the Henley Men's Shed where they have helped make shapes of letters and animals which the children paint and decorate to help brighten up their school.
Henley Mens Shed co-ordinator John Bush said they had been asked to produce the letters and animal shapes themselves as the children had voiced they wanted to brighten up the school.
"We thought it would be a good idea for them to come down and learn to do it themselves with our help," he said. "Then everyone can be involved. The mums and dads can help them screw them onto the wall at school."
Two children are supervised by one member of the group to jig saw out each shape on plywood, sand paper it and then the children help to paint each shape.