Children's Commissioner Cindy Kiro says she is pleased to see people in the community making a stand against violence towards children after a Christchurch man was reported for flicking his son's ear.
Professional musician Jimmy Mason was reprimanded by police for assaulting his three-year-old son Seth after a biking incident involving his two-year-old son Zach who injured his eye.
Mr Mason said he was considering legal action to get the warning removed.
Dr Kiro said today some comments about the incident suggested it was okay to physically punish children.
"My office strongly supported the law change to section 59 because all the evidence points to physical punishment as ineffective and in the hands of some people, dangerous."
Dr Kiro said it was important not to jump to conclusions and view what facts had been presented in the case.
"The incident was such that at least two bystanders contacted police.
"One was a teacher and the other an off-duty police officer and if they were concerned, then I believe there was something to be concerned about."
She said she was especially concerned when she heard the punishment included hitting the child's head.
"The most common cause of death by child abuse in this country is from injuries to the head. This should never be taken lightly."
If parents needed information about how to discipline children without the use of physical punishment, they could contact the commissioner's office for information, Dr Kiro said.