It is a day of action for lobby groups in Auckland, with two demonstrations planned within hours of each other.
There is a march at midday against the police use of anti-terror laws in the Bay of Plenty. Spokesman John Minto says he wants the anti-terror laws repealed and the end of police actions criminalising political activity. The march comes two days before the 17 people arrested in October's anti-terror raids are due to reappear in court.
At 2pm, there will be a protest against the Electoral Finance Bill in central Auckland. Organiser John Boscawen is expecting well in excess of 2,000 people to march from the Town Hall to Britomart.
The Electoral Finance Bill has just passed its second reading in Parliament. It would place restrictions on political speech and comment that would apply for a full election year. Mr Boscawen says no other democracy in the world has such severe restrictions on free speech.