Carterton woman Priyanca Radhakrishnan has been placed at number 23 on the Labour Party list and it is quite feasible that she will make it into Parliament.
There are 21 existing electorate MPs as well as nine List MPs ahead of her on the list.
Therefore the Labour Party would need to poll at almost 32 per cent in September for Ms Radhakrishnan to make it into Parliament as the highest female newcomer on the list.
According to The Herald, the list has ensured that - assuming sitting electorate MPs ranked above them retain their seats - four of the first six MPs likely to get in on the list are women, which will meet the new requirement to have a caucus with at least 45 per cent women after the 2014 election.
They are Jacinda Ardern who is at 5, Sue Money at 10, Maryan Street at 15, and Moana Mackey, 17.