No one has got anything against protecting road workers’ lives but this is being taken far beyond that. Road cones should direct attention towards a hazard not just be part of the furniture. -Chuck S
Agree with what has been said. So many cones, in fact so many that on the odd occasion it’s just downright confusing trying to find one’s way through. And of course it’s like crying wolf, eventually the impact of cones is minimised because much of the time they are left out as other commentators have said. Same applies to the signage as well. I recently drove through a village where on the left side of the road the sign was 50k and on the right side was 70k! - Cheryl P
I have been a road worker in the past on the Coromandel Peninsula and I know firsthand you need to keep an eye on your work site and the traffic moving in and around it.
Time and time again nowadays you see stop/go workers with their backs to the traffic and or head buried in their phones not watching what is going on around them. Speed restrictions left in place when no work is being done or signage left up long after the job is finished is extremely frustrating for people. They need to consider doing more work at night when there is very little traffic on the road.
I currently have to travel twice a day through the Karangahake Gorge and the signage is being set up when people are trying to get to work causing huge delays, quite often driving around a blind corner to find a stationary line of traffic. They don’t help themselves to stay safe on site. - Philip T
I am not against road cones full stop.
I do object to the current overuse of them where no works are actually taking place or left after roadworks well finished. - Nicholas B
Why does NZ in general take so long to fix any problem? I guess too much talk and worries and not getting on with it. Probably would have fixed the problem already while bureaucrats talk and talk over a table without any action.. Stop talking and act already. - Chang K
I don’t think anyone objects to road cones where necessary. It is the overuse, and the leaving them in place for weeks if not months without a worker in sight or any work being done. They often block access to businesses and could easily be removed or minimised at weekends. - Brian G
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